Practice News, Events & Offers @ Hallcross Dental


The facts on Acid Erosion you need to know!

Summer is just around the corner and lots of us will be eating new healthy diets. We’re now far more aware of the damage sugar can cause our teeth. We are also much better at recognising foods with hidden sugars such as tomato ketchup, cereals or dried fruit. However, healthy living has introduced a new…

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Braces and elastics.

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist may wish to incorporate elastics into your treatment if you wear a metal brace. Elastics are small rubber bands which are hooked over the brackets attached to the upper and lower teeth. This helps to help adjust the position of the teeth in the mouth and the position of…

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In categories: Cosmetic Dentistry | Uncategorised


Dummy sucking and teeth development.

The majority of children will suck their thumb or use a dummy at some point. However, while this is mainly expected of any infant, prolonged sucking can cause problems with development and positioning of teeth. This can eventually cause problems with speech, eating and chewing food. Some cases may also lead to orthodontic treatment at…

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Electric Toothbrushes- Prevention Of Gum Disease.

Brushing effectively is essential to avoid the risk of gum disease. Prevention is our aim and at Hallcross we have a team of dental hygienists who are here to help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health. We recommend the use of electric toothbrushes as part of your cleaning regime. It is important to incorporate the use…

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